U.S. News

Financial Connect

A new product launched for financial advisors to connect with potential clients.

The Challenge

Create a landing page and onboarding process for financial advisors interested in signing up for a service. They are required to claim their profiles to connect to potential clients.


Lead Designer


4 Weeks


Sketch, Usertesting.com, Invision

Launch project


After going over preliminary thoughts with the product team, I set up a meeting to develop some of their ideas with mind mapping.

I created a user flow diagram to visualize all the possible entry points and how we'd expect a user to onboard from them.


This task analysis chart I created helped us visualize possible user features and prioritize the ones necessary for launch.

After creating wireframes for the onboarding experience based off of the task analysis and mind mapping, we conducted some usability testing.

I then used an empathy map to delve into the user experience further and contribute to how I iterated on the product.

Working in a Design System

Our design team uses storybook, abstract, and sketch to grow and evolve our component library.

During this project, the following form controls were refactored across the site, helping clean up design of the onboarding process.

Landing Page

Potential financial advisors interested in the financial connect service will be prompted to join immediately on page load, keeping one clear CTA in the viewport.

For the landing page, I created a custom graphic to be in line with the product and allude to its value.

I used some bolder accent colors to give it and the rest of the page a little pop.

In my first 6 months of starting at U.S. News, I was given the opportunity to design a new icon set.

In this project, I created and designed additional icons to support this new product.

Onboarding Flow

This was the first experience needed to built out for this product, aimed at getting financial advisors to not only sign up for the financial connect service, but to also claim their US New's profiles.

Based off an existing claim your profile form (CYP form), I combined content fields from the CYP form into the new service being offered to create a more streamlined experience.

This utilizes the incentive of new clients to get people to create more detailed profiles in our database.

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