
Attempting to solve some of the biggest issues around night life plans with your friends (or solo), including equitable representation for queer and bipoc individuals in normative group dynamics

The Challenge

Redesign a student project to enhance the user experience, visual design and branding. Create a cohesive product that conveys its intentionality and provides solutions.


Product Manager, Lead Designer


6 Weeks



Careful Rebranding

Branding is the first impression, it establishes a point of contact and connection between the product and the people using it.

For nightlife, location is everything. From the neighborhood a user desires to the distance they want to travel, finding the right location can be difficult.

Radar, an object commonly known for it's ability to display peak points of interest, communicates the intention of the app.

Furthermore, it inspired a color palette that feels modern, collected, and vibrant, fitting into the principles set for the brand redesign

Switch was the original name of the student project, meant to show that at any point in the night someone could switch their night around.

While it was a good starting point, the name, color scheme, and overall design wasn't presenting as cohesive.

In order to sell the concept, it would need a complete redesign.

Digging in to the User

Imagining who this product is suited for and how they'd use it keeps me focused on accounting for the varying people and spaces to be conscientious of when designing.

I focused on elements of nightlife that commonly influence atmospheric desires including music interest, preferences and annoyances, and simple wants and needs.

This personalization to the user, in addition to understanding the sore spots of night plans and improving them, show a user their desires are the number one priority.

I heavily rely on UX mapping techniques to clearly organize my ideas on supporting user goals


Good designs cannot be made without diversity. Often, minority identities and experiences are neglected in the product creation.

During this project, I wanted inclusivity, guiding principle in my design work, to improve the onboarding experience. Users should be assured who they are matters in finding spaces they want to be in.

For the onboarding experience, discovering a more optimal method of self-identification than industry standard dropdowns would be crucial.

I wanted to create an autonomous experiences for potential users, leaving self-identification to be completely within their control and expression.


After conducting a thorough UX analysis and mapping out features most needed for the user, I created high-fi wireframes to visualize how they would come together and any potential issues needed to be resolved on final mocks

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